Wiki - Achievements
Add on this page what you did during the hackathon.
Teams achievements
Perl 6
Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz)
* wrote
* fixed some Perl6 spec thinko
* fixed Promise.allof() bug + added spectests for it
* private attributes in a role are now visible in the class doing the role
Act & yAct
Personal achievements
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue)
- Varnish is now in front of Apache, and therefore in front of all web sites and Act sites hosted by the Mongueurs
- helped Hélène a bit with her learning of Perl
Laurent Boivin (Elbeho)
(one day, I'll do Perl... one day...)
- design of the Perl QA Hackathon website done.
- content is now consistent, although it's not complete
user: 1525
* I at last made my little twitter to rss script (
* I'm working on creating a CPAN module installation plan that gets everything before it does any building.
* As part of the CPAN installation plan, I created a visualization with D³ (demo) (
version 10 saved on 07/12/13 17:23 by brian d foy (brian d foy)