Wiki - Achievements

Add on this page what you did during the hackathon.

Teams achievements

Perl 6

Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎)

* wrote
* fixed some Perl6 spec thinko
* fixed Promise.allof() bug + added spectests for it
* private attributes in a role are now visible in the class doing the role

Act & yAct

Personal achievements

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎)

Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

(one day, I'll do Perl... one day...)

brian d foy (‎brian d foy‎)

* I at last made my little twitter to rss script (
* I'm working on creating a CPAN module installation plan that gets everything before it does any building.
* As part of the CPAN installation plan, I created a visualization with (demo) (

Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎)

(mostly Dancer work)

* Dancer2: Reached almost-zero inbox. Answered close to 70 emails (including PRs, issues, mailing lists, etc.).
* Dancer2: Closed 15 PRs, roughly 20 issues.
* Module::Starter: Closed a PR, released a new version, found a new maintainer.
* Worked with Pau Amma on cleaning up authors/contributors in Dancer2.

Pau Amma

* Updated/dedup'ed Dancer2 author&contributor list, moved from AUTHORS to POD in, with Sawyer X' guidance (

Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎)

* Did shopping for breakfast / lunch / snacks, set the table, cleaned stuff.
* Proofread two articles, one by Liz for the Perl 6 Advent Calendar.
* Prepare statutes for a new company that Liz and I are starting to support Perl and other open source efforts.
* Ordered the book 'Perl Moderne'
* Made many pictures (tomorrow I will try and make a Flickr page with them)

Stéphane Payrard (‎cognominal‎)

* Doing exploratory programming using elm porting Perl6 operator grammar parser. The long term goal is doing a client side syntax aware editor so the necessity of a language that generates javascript.

version 20 du 07/12/13 17h59 par Pau Amma

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