Wiki - Accommodation
Hackathon hotel - Lengths of stays
The selected hotel for the hackathon is Campanile Lyon Centre Part-Dieu, 31 Rue Maurice Flandin, 69003 Lyon. Note that car parking is available, and no reservations are required.
We have booked some rooms for the hackathon for 4 days. Some of those rooms will be sponsored by the Act fund.
All rooms will have twin beds (for twin rooms, used by two people).
Feel free to arrange sharing here (using +). For lack of a better default choice, the organizers will otherwise pair people by language / country. Use + ??? to indicate that you've no room partner planned and are open for requests.
We have booked enough rooms for everyone. If you need anything special, explain it on this page.
Regarding breakfast: do not take the hotel breakfast (€9.90 per person), as breakfast will be served at the hackathon (coffee, tea, croissants, juices). Wendy will do some shopping as well, so for the non-French people there will be more than just croissants.
Rooms that were booked by the organizers are marked with *.
2014-11-26 → 2014-11-30 (4 nights)
Shared rooms
- Salve J. Nilsen (sjn) + Joakim T (trmjoa) * (covered by the Act fund)
- Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue) + Aristotle * (covered by the Act fund)
- Theo van Hoesel (vanHoesel) + ? * (covered by the Act fund)
Sole occupancy
- Stefan Hornburg (Racke) * (Pays for the whole room.)
- Laurent Boivin (Elbeho) * (Pays for the whole room.)
2014-11-27 → 2014-12-01 (5 nights)
- ribasushi +1 + Sawyer X (Sawyer X) (till 2014-11-30) * (covered by the Act fund)
Don't need a room
People living in Lyon, or staying with friends, etc.
People not wanting to sleep in twin beds, or wanting to pay for themselves, etc
- Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz) & Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy) in Campanile Lyon Centre Part-Dieu, 2014-11-26 → 2014-12-01
- Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim) hacking remotely
version 16 du 24/11/14 10h32 par Philippe Bruhat (BooK)